Taiga Now

One of Canada's largest wholesale distributors of building supplies, expanding into email automation and in-market audience segmentation.

Technology Integration


Taiga Now is the 24/7 online experience offered by Taiga Building for their B2B clients.
As one of Canada's largest wholesale distributors of building supplies, the objective was to begin a digital transformation journey.

Atlas Ventures & Studios was tasked with assisting the internal project management team with advanced customer segmentation, email automation, and robust campaign strategy spanning not just English customers but French customers too.

Audience segmentation was diverse, covering over 25 various branch locations with multiple segments within.
Automation had to be delicate given Taiga Now's complex inventory management and fulfillment systems.

The Overall Result?

The major focus was driving more offline customers to become active online customers.
These segments saw high double digit growth since our partnership began with additional double digit growth in online based revenue.

All KPIs were exceeded and opened the door to further complex projects.

Let's work together.

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